Show 15 - Part 2: Getting to the bottom of Power Platform Licensing

Never let it be said that we turn down a challenge. We were asked by a listener to try and summarise Power Platform licensing and rather than just share what we knew, we managed to bring in one of the Microsoft experts on the subject, the very tattoed and always entertaining Chris Huntingford. Then, by sheer chance, Microsoft decided to drop the bombshell news of Dataflex and we had even more to chat about.

We aimed to cover:

  • What licenses do you need from Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 or stand-alone?
  • What is licensed - Power Platform, Power Virtual Agents and Power Portals?
  • Where does Dataflex play into this?
  • Listener questions

Useful links

Some great posts on Dataflex

Image by Olav Ahrens Røtne from Unsplash
